Let the grammar Nazis faint

I’m a sucker for tech, especially if it’s good.

But there’s something I hate with a burning passion… And that is… Word processors.

Any kind of writing program for that matter that has a grammar checker.

You know…

There are these people who sometimes write back to an email or a tweet saying the grammar mistake I had just made. Maybe I butchered a word, maybe I used the wrong “tense”. I don’t care, but these people do.

I don’t make a big deal out of it…


The grammar checker is just like one of the grammar Nazis… But it’s planted right into your computer and doesn’t let you rest for a single minute.

I think I will have to go back to Stone Age and write on paper…


Now that I’m talking about grammar and spelling and all that… there’s a quick way you can get 2 flies with one slap. One, make the grammar Nazis faint. Two, make your emails “radiate” humanity and bond better with your audience. And that is…

Don’t edit out the imperfections in your emails.

Leave a couple of slip ups in.

Let them feel that your email wasn’t written by an AI chatbot or a “hired gun”. That it was written by YOU.

Some people struggle with this because schools implanted them with perfect grammar. That’s not bad, but it’s false. You don’t need perfect grammar… What you need is…

Clear communication.

If your message is clear, your copy can be written in straight Latin too. No one cares.

And if you leave in a couple mistakes, or broken “tenses” here and there in your emails… Your audience will see you as more human, and not just someone who sends them words on a pixel screen.

This is why this will add to the relationship you have with your list.


’nuff said…

Just remember:

Looking perfect isn’t always the best thing to do. Sometimes you can achieve more by looking a little “imperfect”.

Kristof Nemeth.


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