Persuasion secret from the dark corner of my mind

Forgive me for being a little ’emo’ with this next question, but I promise I haven’t dyed my hair black yet(and I’m not planning to do it either.)… But…

What’s the point of all this?

Lemme give you context to ‘this’ before you misunderstand me for wanting to exit from this life.

I mean…

What’s the point of selling, negotiating, marketing and just generally persuasion?

If you were to ask 100 people you would probably get 100 different answers. That’s completely valid, although not quite good. There’s a lot of guru activity online and most people are just misguided by information. Every one of us is, to a degree.

But for me, the ultimate point of persuasion is to help people.


It’s not to sell more shit.

It’s not to make more money.

It’s not to overdrive your business’s sales into high gear.

Those can all be by-products if selling is done right(e.i. when you actually want to help people). But if you don’t go in with that mindset… You are essentially scamming people.

Even Jim Camp said it.

“To use tactics is to try to gain an advantage over your adversary and try to take away their chances”(paraphrased, but you get the point lol).

“Your adversary” is your prospect. And he does not like to be ‘overpowered’.

And… Getting back to some Campism…

Another one of your goals should be helping your prospect discover how and why you can help them deal with a problem in their life using one of your products.

If you merely focus on milking your subscribers, followers, readers, and believers you will, inevitably, resort to using tactics to try to squeeze out just a nibble more money from people.

But when you flip the script…

You can still use tactics(the great thing is, they won’t look like tactics anymore, people will tolerate them more), but what you will be using more and more by nature is the sound principles of persuasion all working together to help your customer.

Maybe this isn’t the only ‘right way’ to persuade.

But it’s sure one of ’em.

If you want to discover 7 more “right ways” to sell and persuade, you should click over to this link. I don’t have anything to sell you, but I do have a free book on the subject:

Kristof Nemeth.

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