What started it all for me

Can you guess what was the best thing that ever happened to me?

Let’s see…

I could say that it was copywriting, but ngl, that would sound corny as fuck and it wouldn’t even be true. Working out maybe? Well, close, but not quite there. Going to University? Woah. Cold. Freezing cold.

Just kidding.

But the best thing that ever happened to me was something that eventually led to me doing all of these things and many more that ended up improving me as a person and my life.

Without this one thing…

I genuinely don’t know what I would be doing.

One thing is for sure… I would be in a much worse place.


The “cornerstone” thing I’m talking about is of course no other than stumbling upon self improvement.

Finding out that I could actually decide to better myself and get the future of my life somewhat between my hands and control… Was like a wet dream for me at that time. I mean, I was fat, lost, scared and god knows what else.

I was in a pretty bad mental state too as far as I remember.

I’m not saying this so you pity me.

I don’t want that.

My past certainly wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t bad at all actually. It was just that I was weak.

Self-improvement was the thing that shined a light on that.

And it was also the thing that got me started working away on my body, which led me to earn all kinds of respect, attention, time, and other assets from people whom I considered to be ‘above me’ or who talked shit behind my back just a year before that.

It all just spread from there on.

And to this day(and onward from here hopefully) I hold myself to the standard of getting just a little bit better every day at what I do – and also just generally as a person.

I think this isn’t even an option anymore…

It’s a must.

Just like with business…

If your business isn’t growing, it’s dying.

The same is true for you and your life. There’s no middle ground. If you are not getting better, you are getting worse.

Imma leave you with that one for now.


Kristof Nemeth.

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