I just started reading a new book.
“How to sell anything to anyone” by Joe Girard who is considered the greatest salesman ever(by Guiness World Records).
So far, the book talks about how Joe suffered through his early life.
Got beaten up by his dad.
Started business and got conned out of his business.
And how he was FORCED to take on a salesmanship job and make money just to be able to buy groceries for his wife and two kids.
And around this part of the book I noticed something interesting…
Joe was talking about how car salesmen at that time worked:
When “The Mooch” came in the door, the salesman who was on the “line” would go to him and try to sell him. If there was no one in the store, every salesmen gathered around the counter and wasted time by telling jokes.
Joe was different.
So while others would be telling each other stupid jokes, going on lunch and just generally wasting valuable selling time…
He tore out 4 pages of the phone book – because he had no better list…
He started cold calling every single person on the list and he had traffic that ONLY wanted to see him and no other salesmen.
Now… What really hit me was the first part of this story.
The other salesmen had the same 24 hours as Joe.
But only Joe was working hard.
Because he had a reason to work hard for…
He HAD to make money, or else his family would starve.
I know you are here for practical advice… but this is the fundamentals.
If you have no reason to work hard, you will NOT work hard and be like all the other salesmen in the store wasting time.
They didn’t have a strong enough why.
I know this is somewhat wishy washy. Everyone wants to skip this part and get quick to the practical stuff… But if you don’t have a why you have nothing.
So now… I could ask you, “How bad do you want it?”
But everyone wants something bad, and most of them never get it.
So instead…
Do you have a strong enough WHY?
Kristof Nemeth.